2012年9月28日 星期五

Little Bee's Grapefruit Cap (柚子帽)


Zai guo liangtian jiu shi Zhongqiujie (= Mid-Autumn Festival) le. Women jia tizao qingzhu -- chi yuebing han youzi (月餅和柚子). Xiao Mifeng nianji xiao, tai tian de yuebing bu rang ta chi, youzi ye bu hao xiaohua, dan zongyao gei ta yidian chang-chang. "Youzi, youzi!" ta gaoxingde jiaodao. Women xinxie-laichao, jiu ba bo xialai de youzi-pi gei ta dai-shang. Ni qiao! Zhe jiu shi "youzi mao" (柚子帽).

2012年9月17日 星期一

猫囒山 (Mt. Maolan Hiking Trail)


Quoted from: http://www.sunmoonlake.gov.tw/EN/03000505.aspx, with two or three words modified and a few Chinese names/titles added:

The Mt. Maolan Hiking Trail (猫囒山步道 / 貓囒山步道) begins at the entrance of the Tea Research and Extension Station (茶葉改良場) next to Mingtan Junior High School (明潭國中). The trail is 4.6 kilometers in length.

It leads you to the Sun Moon Lake Weather Station (日月潭氣象站) at the end. You will see Assam black tea plantations (阿薩姆紅茶園) along the way, and standing on the viewing platform (or observation deck) in front of the Tea Research and Extension Station, you can look out to the distant lake beneath. This is one of the best places to watch the sun rise at Sun Mon Lake. Leading from the Tea Research and Extension Station is a new branch trail to Bamboo Garden, making an alternative route for this hiking trail.

2012年9月13日 星期四

林立峯牧師就職台中雅各堂主任牧師 (The Induction of St. James' 2nd Rector)


Following are about 40 photos taken by Mr. Wenhui Gao on Sunday, September 9, 2012, when the Rev. Philip Lin was installed as the new (or 2nd) Rector of St. James' Church, in Taichung, Taiwan. With Mr. Gao's consent, I would like to share these pictures with more friends of ours. Thanks be to God.

下列約 40 幅照片,記錄了主曆 2012 年 9 月 9 日林立峯會長就任台中聖雅各堂「主任牧師」之禮拜及相關流程,經拍攝者高文輝弟兄同意轉載,供親朋好友一同分享。感謝主!

Processional hymn: The Church's One Foundation

The Wardens stand before Bishop David Lai with the new minister (Rev. Philip Lin)

Rev. Peter Chen reads the Letter of Institution

More photos of the Institution are as follows

The singing of a traditional hymn is presented by St. James' Teachers Choir

英文部教友代表 Warren Sevander 朗讀書信《雅各書》二章1-17節
A lesson from the Epistles is read by Mr. Sevander, who's from the English Congregation

The Gospel (Mark 7:24-37) is read bilingually, by Rev. Philip Lin and Rev. Jason Ke

The Rt. Rev. David Lai is giving a sermon

Shortly before the service started, I was asked to summarize today's sermon in English. 
This really made me a faithful and industrious man! Look! I was busy preparing for the summary.

The St. James' Choir is singing "The Call for Reapers"

公禱書、教堂鑰匙等 象徵物品 給新的主任牧師
Following are photos of the Induction, with representatives 
of the Chinese and English congregations presenting a Bible, a stole, 
a book of prayers, the keys of the church, and other symbols to our new Rector.

The new Rector kneels and prays

"Greet your new Rector," said Bishop Lai.

Our new Rector and his family

What an exciting day! The ceremony is memorable, isn't it?

Everybody attending the ceremony is given a souvenir.