I was pleased about the sunshine, which made it possible for me to "see" such attractive scenes as "real maps" -- See each of the photos below. Can you distinguish the land from the water? Do you know how the water was really formed? . . .
Well, the waters, or the parts in gray or light blue that you see in each photo, are not made of water! While I was taking a walk this afternoon, I saw a huge concrete mixer (also commonly called cement mixer) parking near the spot where I halted and took a few photos as "real maps." Then I realized that this concrete mixer must have been parking there often, and that it must have been "cleaned out" before parking there for the night. In my imagination, the waste stuff removed from the mixer has formed the brooks, the rivers, and the seas or oceans!
But Jean said to me, "I see egg yolk and egg white! Where did you get these scrambled eggs?"