2016年9月24日 星期六

生日快樂 -- Little Shine Is Two Years Old


Little Shine, my second grandson, is two years old today. To celebrate his birthday, his mom made a special cake herself. The cake looked plain -- simple in style, but it was really "nutritious" -- good for health; what's more, it was in the shape of a heart. The heart of love!

As previously scheduled, Jean and I went to a Classical Poetry Recitation this morning. (You may click and review the Photos, Part One and/or Part Two.) Jean, as a member of the group, participated in the chanting and singing of the poems in the traditional Hô-lo̍k language, while I took pictures of their performances. It seems that we both were so much occupied today that we almost forgot about our grandson's birthday. But it's no problem at all! Little Shine's mom had made a birthday cake for him.

Look! We all had a wonderful time celebrating Little Shine's birthday in the living room; and then, when evening came, we went out together for dinner. "Happy birthday to you, Shine!" we repeated, with lots of smiles and laughs! (Although Shine's dad, who is studying in Hong Kong, could not be here with us in person, we'll definitely be showing him pictures of the birthday party by LINE or by Facebook.)

Poetry Recitation at Taichung Literature Park (Part Two)



Chanting & singing of 20 classical poems in the traditional 
Hô-lo̍k (河洛) language, in celebration of the opening of Taichung Literature Museum!

Time: Saturday, September 24, 2016 (10:00-11:30 a.m.)

Place: Taichung Literature Park (at 48, Lequn Street, West District, Taichung City)

Presented by: 中華民國梅川傳統文化學會

The 20 poems recited: (For the detailed lists of the titles and authors, you may click the link below.)

Poetry Recitation at Taichung Literature Park (Part One)



時間:民國 105 年 9 月 24 日星期六(10:00-11:30 a.m.)
地點:台中文學公園(於 台中市西區樂群街 48 號)


演出內容:包括「櫟社吟風」和「古韻舒嘯」兩個單元,每個單元 10 個曲目,共有 20 個曲目。

曲目及其作者:(01) 遊萊園小池 by 林癡仙 1901年;(02) 送蔡培火、蔣渭水、陳逢源三君之京 by 林幼春 1923年;(03) 木棉橋 by 梁啟超 1911年;(04) 放言 by 林仲衡;(05) 題支那輿圖 by 林仲衡;(06) 辛巳中秋景薰樓觀月 by 林獻堂 1941年;(07) 臨江仙 by 明朝 楊慎;(08) 意難忘 by 蔡惠如 1923年;(09) 雨霖鈴 by 北宋 柳永;(10) 滿江紅 by 宋朝 岳飛。(11) 月出 from 詩經 陳風;(12) 水調歌頭 by 北宋 蘇軾;(13) 宣州謝眺樓餞別 by 唐朝 李白;(14) 靜夜思 by 唐朝 李白;(15) 春思 by 唐朝 皇甫冉;(16) 嫦娥 by 唐朝 李商隱;(17) 楓橋夜泊 by 唐朝 張繼;(18) 望月有感 by 唐朝 白居易;(19) 西江月 by 南宋 辛棄疾;(20) 念奴嬌 by 北宋 蘇軾。