2013年8月29日 星期四

A Family Reunion! 觀兮天籟 (馬武督山莊)


Since Antony started serving at the Holy Trinity Church (in Keelung) as a xiusheng [修生 or "church intern"], there have been much less opportunities for him and me to have father-and-son free chats. He comes home only once a week, each time spending only one night with us -- his family. So it's becoming more important that he and I (as well as all other family members) should cherish all the possible moments for being together and sharing something with each other.

Now that the Holy Trinity had decided to come to Ma Wu Du (馬武督) for a two-day retreat, Antony gave me a phone call, saying that we who are his family were also welcome to join the event. "Don't you think it's a good chance for us to meet and chat again?" asked Antony. And I said, "Sure! It would be a delightful country retreat for us all." That's why yesterday Jean and I took Anita and Little Bee to Ma Wu Du, in Guanxi, Hsinchu County, where we have all stayed for one night plus one morning, and had a wonderful time during "the blissful family reunion."

2013年8月20日 星期二

在「安徒生」劃一個分號 -- It's Not a Full Stop



Yesterday I invited my co-workers at St. James' (and my family) to the Andersen Restaurant for lunch. As far as I saw, Andersen Restaurant was very attractive to us all -- not only to children, but also to adults!


Thanks be to Ms. Kitty Wu, who arranged the meeting for me. Here and now I'd like to hand the relay baton back to Linda (Rev. Philip Lin's wife): I have been acting as director of St. James' Community Service Center since July, 2012. I suppose that it is time for me to give this title (or post) back to Linda, because her son Daniel's health has been much better now and therefore she can carry the director's responsibilities again.

必要時,我還是會 give a hand 的 ---- 所以我說:我並非劃下什麼完美的「句點」(a full stop),而是標註一個有意義的「分號」罷了!

Well, I'm always willing to help, when needed. What I want to say at this point is this: I'm not marking a so-called "perfect period" -- No, it's not a full stop that I'd really like to write down. Instead, I'd just want to mark a semicolon which carries some special significance!

2013年8月13日 星期二

浪漫的節日 (The Chinese Valentine's Day)





下列照片拍攝於 2013年 (國 8/13, 農 7/7) 晚間
(地址:草屯鎮敦煌路四段 377 巷 11 號)

2013年8月11日 星期日

Holy Baptism (聖洗禮)


Bishop David Lai celebrated and preached at St. James' today, firstly at the English service starting at nine-thirty and then at the Chinese service starting at eleven.

After taking part in the English service, Jean and I went to the Chinese service immediately, because we had been invited to be the "sponsors" (or known as godfather and godmother) of Jillian Lin (林子廉) and her sister Youlin Shi (施又琳) -- both of them, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Lai, were baptized today during the Chinese service. I felt really honored to be the two girls' sponsors (or godfather) because Jillian and her family usually came to the English service as I did.

What I'd like to say to them again is this: "Congratulations, Jillian! Congratulations, Youlin! Congratulations on your becoming members of the Family of Love, the head of which is our Lord Jesus Christ, who has loved you and me (as well as many others) even before we got to know and love him! May God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit be with all of us for ever and ever! Amen."