2023年10月31日 星期二

Life Notes: 好友相伴 at 宜蘭 (B)


Many thanks to my good friend Prof. Franklin Yang and his wife, Qiumei, for inviting us and their warm hospitality during our wonderful trip to Yilan (宜蘭).

Upon our arrival at Yilan Station, they were already there to meet us. Franklin took us in his van to visit several local attractions such as Jimmy Park (幾米公園), Dongshan River (冬山河), and the National Center for Traditional Arts (國立傳統藝術中心). We spent all our time together, enjoying the happy moments from yesterday afternoon until this afternoon.

Not only were we treated to impressive sightseeing, but we were also surprised with delicious meals and a beautiful, comfortable hotel stay for the night. The hotel, named "煙波花時間" (or "The Moment Hotel" in English), is located inside the Center for Traditional Arts (傳藝中心). It exudes an atmosphere of luxury and style, and I assume it must be quite expensive. However, Franklin and Qiumei were incredibly generous to book a room next to theirs exclusively for us. They are always so kind to us! (For photos of the hotel room we stayed in for the night, please refer to my previous post.)

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相關文章 (See also):
2)  74-Ji Jiaban Tongxuehui     (2010)

2023年10月30日 星期一

Life Notes: 好友相伴 at 宜蘭 (A)


感謝好友 Franklin Yang 及其夫人 Qiumei 盛情邀約、熱誠款待,我和琴於今、明兩天,得以享受極美好的 "宜蘭二日遊"。

午後兩點三十分,當 "普悠瑪號" 抵達宜蘭火車站,他倆已來此等候我們;見面的剎那,彼此都歡呼驚叫:「啊!十來年沒見面啦!你們還是沒什麼變,跟從前一樣.....」怎麼可能不變?都老了十幾歲了;又怎麼會變呢?美好的友誼,堅實如金。甚至如老酒,越陳越香。

Franklin 開車載我們,又有 Qiumei 一路陪伴,四個人 "話匣子" 打開就無法再闔上了。💚💕💜💖💛

如下圖所示,首日行程包括:(1) 經過充滿童趣的 "幾米主題廣場" (幾米公園) 時,拍照留念;(2) 驅車直達 "國立傳統藝術中心",先在園區外圍散步,欣賞 "冬山河" 美景;(3) 進入 "煙波花時間" (The Moment Hotel) 辦妥入住手續;(4) 轉往蘇澳鎮海邊路 111 號的 "富美活海鮮" 享用晚餐;(5) 夜遊 "傳藝中心" 的商店街,然後欣賞揚琴表演;(6) 促膝長談至深夜,好似意猶未盡。

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附註:國立傳統藝術中心(簡稱 "傳藝中心")地址:宜蘭縣五結鄉五濱路二段 201 號。

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相關文章 (See also):
2)  74-Ji Jiaban Tongxuehui     (2010)