2020年11月29日 星期日

Walking in the Dark


A literal translation of An-Ye Xing暗夜行》:

Walking in the Dark

In the dark night
The almost full moon was high
Up in the sky;
A night-walker,
Looking ahead,
Saw the peak not far away -- 
There was a bright lamp
That seemed real, and unreal.
Looking back
I found the world at the moment 
Flickering, trembling, and dancing
Like the lights of a myriad of homes;
Oh, super eye-catching, you fireflies.

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Notes: Yesterday evening I took a "night walk" up the Moon-Watching hill (near my house). I was inspired by the moon, the particular lamp, and many other lights in the darkness (see photos), so I composed a short poem in Chinese after I returned home. Here is a literal translation that I'd like to share with you, dear Readers.

2020年11月28日 星期六




超吸睛的 . . . 螢火蟲!

圖/文: Mookoo Liang

Note: This is a short poem composed by me tonight mainly because of the moon and the lights in the darkness. See the pictures below, and you'll probably get inspired to write your story or poem too.

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相關文章 (See also): Walking in the Dark

2020年11月26日 星期四

Our Relatives Visit My Mother


Our relatives came to visit my mom this morning. They came from Guoxing, my hometown, where they still live; and as far as I could see, my mom didn't really want to leave from Guoxing even though she was too weak to live there alone. People and things related to Guoxing would make my mom (and me!) very interested. It's no wonder that she was pleased to see them here at the nursing home.

But how did they get to know my mom is here now? I was curious about that at first. But later I realized that a couple of weeks ago my sisters had returned to our hometown and met by chance these of our relatives: my cousin (the youngest son of my Big Uncle) and my nephew (the first son of my first cousin). 

** Thanks to them for their coming to visit my mom! **

2020年11月24日 星期二




那個「竹叢縱火犯」似乎還未被逮,我們心裡很不是滋味 ---- We hate ... hate the Bamboo-Bush arsonist!  這幾天,還頻頻聽到消防車發出刺耳的警笛聲,走我們家附近經過。而附近的山區,有好幾處竹叢,都被火燒了。一定是個心理有病、病得不輕的傢伙,在暗地搞鬼!

作惡多端的危險人物,應早日繩之以法,對吧!---- 可惡的是,這縱火犯,總是暗地裡(趁沒人注意)在光天化日之下,做案。然後自行報案,或經由他人報案。然後,消防車一路狂飆,警笛聲大作,消防隊員急著救火(滅火),忙得人仰馬翻。天曉得那犯案之人是否就在一旁偷看、偷笑?---- 果真如此,那人絕對是個「大變態」,可恨極了。

幸虧,除了前述可恨可惱的事,一路上,還是有諸多「驚奇」令人賞心悅目,例如:十分眼熟的一隻綠色大蚱蜢、許多桃花心木和柚木的落葉,動作特別靈敏的小螳螂,陽光下清晰可見的各樣樹影,以及 ........... (俗話說「凡走過的必留痕跡,凡見過的必留印象。」下面這二十餘張照片,正是我今日的經驗紀錄,供日後參考!)

2020年11月21日 星期六

St. James' English Congregation Retreat (續)


St. James' English Congregation Retreat
(聖雅各堂英文部退修會, part two)

時間:2020 年 11 月 21 日(星期六)

     (1) 毓繡美術館
     (2) 國姓驛站咖啡 (See photos)


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此為第二頁(續篇)-- Photos, Part Two;
For more photos, please click and see: 

For more photos, please click and see