2023年4月30日 星期日

共襄盛舉在國光 (Photos, part two)


Join in the Grand Event 
at Kuo Kuang (Elementary School)

Photos, part one and part two!

Kuo Kuang Elementary School (KKES) is celebrating its 70th anniversary. The school staff (led by Principal Jannet Chao 趙祝凌校長) and the core members of the alumni association had worked together to hold a grand celebration, including art exhibitions, music performances, distinguished alumni awards, and a luncheon.

We were honored to be invited to this special event. The Four Degrees C, a band led by Ms. Bizhu Xie, also took part in the performances at the Kuo Kuang Hall (國光堂, alternatively spelled Guoguang Hall), and I was asked to shoot the celebration programs. Well, maybe no description beats a real photo. Please use your imagination to enjoy seeing the photos below (and those on the previous page).

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相關文章 (See also):
2)  《夜來香》     (2018)

共襄盛舉在國光 (Photos, part one)


國光國小,另一半以前任職多年的地方,今日舉辦了 "七十週年校慶暨歷屆校友聯合同學會";在大禮堂 "國光堂" 辦桌三十餘桌,盛況空前。

其實不僅歷屆校友,連從本校退休的老師同仁也都接到邀請 "回娘家" 哩!

由碧珠老師和幾位舊同事 (包括已退休及還在職的教師) 所組成的 "四度C樂團" 自然也在受邀名單內。於是,大家一起參加了這次活動,有的演奏 (或以不同樂器伴奏),有的唱歌 (甚至來一段 "帶動唱"),有的拍照、錄影,有的純聊天 (見了多年未見的老同事,話匣子一開真不得了哇!);傑出校友則受邀上台致詞,台下數百人適時給予熱烈掌聲...... 這----如此這般,正所謂 "共襄盛舉在國光" 也。有圖為證。

照片分為二輯:Photos, part one and part two!

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相關文章 (See also):