2022年2月3日 星期四

年初三 Family Reunion


You shi "nian chu-san" (Canyue "2020" han "2015" de tiēwén**). -- Wo han Qin yi wangli hui Dajia, tade niangjia, bai'nian qu. Jian-le xuduo qinren han pengyou, dajia yitong chifan, liaotian; you shuo you xiao, shifen kuile.

** tiēwén: a post, or posts, on Facebook, Twitter, or one's blog.

Here are a couple of pictures taken on the 3rd day of the first lunar month in the Year of the Tiger (虎年). In fact, they were taken by my son (and later "re-created" by me). I wanted to keep them in my blog just because they would be sort of "reminders" for me in the future -- With these photo clips, I'll more easily recall how we spent this very day in Dajia, together with my mother-in-law and other relatives.

= = =
相關文章 (See also): 年初三娛樂節目
