2011年12月5日 星期一

清明上河圖 (Along the River During the Qingming Festival)


This afternoon my family and I went to see the digital version of Along the River During the Qingming Festival (清明上河圖) exhibited at Great Taichung International Exhibition Center (大台中國際會展中心), next to the Taichung station of Taiwan High Speed Rail. Although it was raining heavily, we had a wonderful time spending about two hours inside the Exhibition Center, seeing this "moving masterpiece" that is titled "River of Wisdom" (智慧的長河:會動的清明上河圖).

The original version of the painting was created by Song Dynasty artist Zhang Zeduan (張擇端, 1085-1145). It captures the daily life of people from the Song period at the capital, Bianjing (汴京), today's Kaifeng (開封). The theme celebrates the festive spirit and worldly commotion at the Qingming Festival, rather than the holiday's ceremonial aspects, such as tomb sweeping and prayers. The entire piece was painted in hand scroll format and the content reveals the lifestyle of all levels of the society from rich to poor as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city. It offers glimpses of period clothing and architecture. The painting is also known for its geometrically accurate images of variety natural elements and architectures, boats and bridges, market place and stores, people and scenery. It is also considered to be the most renowned work among all Chinese paintings, and it has been called "China's Mona Lisa." (Quote from English Wikipedia)

Following are photos that I took during the visit this afternoon:





夜晚及白天所呈現的 「虹橋」景緻

大 戶 人 家 的 門 口
--- 你看見整日無所事事的「懶人」在那兒嗎?

--- 是「祈福水燈」吧!

上圖:城門樓 及 駱駝商隊

