2013年2月2日 星期六

童言童語說相聲 (A Children's Talk Show)



時間:2013 年 2 月 2 日 (週六) 下午 2 時起

地點:台中市 廣三 SOGO 百貨公司 (門前廣場) 地址:台中市西區台中港路一段299號 

演出者/演出單位:(參閱照片 1-3)

節目內容:(請參閱下面的照片 )

關於 "相聲/說唱藝術" 參考資料:You may learn more about 相聲 (xiangsheng) and 說唱藝術 (shuochang) by clicking the relevant entries in The Chinese Wikipedia. But the following quotations are directly from The English Wikipedia:
        Xiangsheng, sometimes translated as cross-talks, is a traditional Chinese comedic performance in the form of a dialogue between two performers, or, much less often, a solo monologue or, even less frequently, a multi-player talk show. The language, rich in puns and allusions, is delivered in a rapid, bantering style. Xiangsheng is one of China's foremost and most popular performing arts, and is typically performed in the Tianjin dialect (or in Standard Chinese with a strong Northern Chinese accent).
        Shuochang is a form of traditional Chinese storytelling (or, more properly, "story-singing"), with many regional subgenres; it is also often referred to as "narrative." Shuochang performances usually intermix speaking and singing, and are accompanied by percussion instruments and sometimes also plucked or bowed string instruments. Shuochang is most often performed by a solo male or female singer, although it may also be performed by two singers. The singers may provide their own accompaniment with hand-held percussion such as clappers (called ban; ) or a small drum, or there may also be a small ensemble of one or two musicians.

上圖及下圖:致詞者為 台中市大勇國小
周玉娟 校長 ---- 我們感謝她蒞臨給予勉勵!

下圖:Ms. Kitty Wu 身兼數職,
還能 "適時" 上台擔任 "串場",好棒!

上圖及下圖:我們的指導老師是 "天橋說唱藝術團" 團長
 張祖望老師,他突然上台敲鑼 露一手,鼓勵大家!

下圖為 "友情贊助" 的主持人 翁文進 先生

以下六圖都是 "對口相聲",每一 "對" 都演得很精采。

下二圖是 "雙簧" 表演。

下圖為當晚 "謝師宴" 餐敘前,獻花給 張祖望老師 以表謝意。
