2013年7月26日 星期五

Flying Cow Ranch (飛牛牧場)


Jean and I haven't taken our grandson, Little Bee, for an outing in several months. Now that our son, Little Bee's father, has already started his new VOCATION (a much better name for his new "job" or "occupation"!) far away in Keelung, Jean and I agree that it be our responsibility to take Little Bee [and his mother] somewhere for sight-seeing every once in a while.

This morning we visited Fei Niu Muchang, literally meaning "Flying Cow Ranch," which is located at 166, Nanhe Li, Tongxiao Zhen, Miaoli County, Taiwan. (飛牛牧場 地址:苗栗縣通霄鎮南和里 166 號) There on the dude ranch we saw, and introduced to our little boy, such animals as rabbits, goats, sheep, and cows. Our grandson was interested in many different things. One of his favorite things to do is to drive a huge tractor! -- Or some sort of truck? (See the photos far below.)

Note: Last July (2012) we visited another beautiful place in Miaoli County. For the pictures we had taken over there, you may click on this link: 勻靜湖 (上) -- There We Really Enjoyed Ourselves -- or this, 勻靜湖 (下) -- There We Really Enjoyed Ourselves.
