2014年10月30日 星期四

Little Shine 滿月又六天了!


小宣滿月又六天了!謹以此張小卡片,向親友們表達我們由衷的感謝,謝謝您的關心與祝福 . . . . . 而且,讓我們再次與您分享這「生命中無價的喜悅與感動」!

My second grandson Little Shine is 36 days old today. His parents have ordered some man-yue cakes (for celebrating the first month of a newborn baby) and designed a little card (see below) to express their gratitude to all who have been caring so much for them and the baby.

It wouldn't be possible to distribute this thank-you note to all of you, our good friends and relatives, so I would like to post it here on my blog, Mookoo's Home.

(下圖 乃是「宣」之注音符號。)
