2016年12月3日 星期六

I Remember You, Mr. T. P. Lu


         --- 盧恬波 題

The above poem is taken from the "senior yearbook" (see the duplicate on the right) published in 1970 when I graduated from Guoxing Junior High School, in Nantou County. I can be pretty sure that the poem was originally written by Mr. Tian-Po Lu, who was my "homeroom teacher" from September 1969 to June 1970 and, to tell the truth, one of my best teachers in all my life!

I liked Mr. Lu very much because he was, as I could have described, a "very kind and wise man": He always tried his best to teach and help his students, and he was highly respected for his knowledge of Guoxue, or Sinology -- the study of Chinese language, literature, culture, history, society, philosophy, etc. Under the guidance of this good Chinese teacher, my interest in Guowen (Chinese literature) was greatly aroused during the year before I graduated from junior high; in the meantime, I started to touch (and love) other types of literature, especially so-called "contemporary literature" in the form of novels, short stories, prose, or ... even "prose poetry."

Oh, Mr. Lu, I thank you for having taught me so much about literature. In fact, I had quite a number of good teachers and lots of good classmates who have always been in my heart: I still remember them now, though some of them (e.g. Mr. Lu) already passed away.

This morning I went to a wonderful REUNION of my former schoolmates: 國姓國中第 12 屆畢業生同學會. (For photos of the reunion, click and see: #2016-1203A)  Meeting with my junior-high-school friends made me think of lots of things and people that had been so important to me in my teenage life. And, as above mentioned, Mr. Lu was one of my favorite teachers and . . . .
