2018年3月24日 星期六

A Romantic Wedding Party (婚禮之美)


We went to a romantic wedding party today. The bride is Xinyuan (or spelled Hsin-Yuan), the daughter of my good friend Mr. Bi-Le Wang, a remarkable violinist. The bride is now a high-school music teacher, while the groom is a medical doctor (who specializes in diseases and problems affecting people's eyes).

Well, I don't think I'll always remember how to spell the word "ophthalmologist" [ˌɒfθælˈmɒləist] or [ˌɒpθælˈmɒləist]. But to be totally honest, I'll remember much, much better and longer, the wedding party that I attended at The Lin Hotel (台中林酒店) today. This is one of the most fantastic and romantic wedding parties that I've ever attended.

The beauty of this wedding includes not only the beautiful bride and handsome groom but also the very impressive music played by the bride and her elder brother! (See photos #12, #13, #14, and #15.) And, here and now, I'd like to pray for them that the newlyweds and their relatives be blessed for ever and ever. Amen.


















