2019年5月28日 星期二

Garlic Vine, Lily, and Queen's Crepe Myrtle


This morning Jean and I visited her mother in Dajia. When we left from there in the afternoon, I was surprised to see two lily flowers growing out of the fence: They were white and very beautiful, so I stopped to take pictures of them.

Also, I took two pictures of the garlic vine, which I had written about last year. If you like, click and see Garlic Vine (蒜香藤) and/or 紫鈴藤 -- Garlic Vine Again.

Then we returned to Wufeng in the afternoon. And in the late evening we took a walk in the lighted space near our house. (We have recently formed the habit of taking a short walk in the evening, especially when we feel a little upset, worried and sad.) With my cellphone camera, I took pictures of the giant crepe myrtle at the edge of the public parking lot. I hope I'll add to my personal blog (Mookoo's Home) as many beautiful things as I can.
