2019年7月14日 星期日

St. James' Day -- 慶祝「雅各堂」的生日


To celebrate the 49th anniversary of our church, St. James' Episcopal Church, we had an English-and-Chinese combined service this morning, starting at 10:30. More than 100 people attended the service.

After the service most of the people stayed for the Potluck lunch. The yummy, yummy food (including home-made chicken soup) and the sweet cakes and tasty ice-cream and very nice beverages, which were well prepared by members of the both congregations at St. James', made up such an impressive meal that we all had a wonderful time, chatting and eating and drinking.

It's so good to have something to share with others!

Today many of us wear a blue T-shirt with St. James' logo, as we have previously agreed with each other. By wearing this same color, we have even shared the same sort of feeling. We do have the same Lord, the same Faith, and the same emotions and feelings!

Then, to my surprise, there are some roses on the wooden shelf. Roses in red. Somebody has put these beautiful flowers in small glass bottles (see photos). -- Wow! Who was the flower arranger? She (or he) must have been one who is gifted for art!


The two pictures below are from 
Facebook of St. James' Church, Taichung

The last two pictures above are from 
Facebook of St. James' Church, Taichung
