"You don't change your profile pictures often, do you?" said my wife.
"No. I like the one I've been using -- Guanshan Sunset!" I replied.
《關山夕照》是我的部落格 Mookoo's Home 多年來一直沒變換的大頭貼,拍攝於退休前,帶領高三學生到南部 "畢業旅行" 時,師生駐足「關山」欣賞海面落日,所留下值得回憶的影像。那時,我手中還端著一杯熱咖啡呢!
But my wife suggested that we take a "snapshot" of the Wufeng sunset. The fiery sunset here in Wufeng could be as beautiful as (or even more beautiful than) the sunset at Guanshan (關山). She wanted to give it a try, saying that if she gets a nice photo of me here at sunset, I can use it as my new profile picture on Facebook -- or as a new avatar for my blog, Mookoo's Home!
= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1) 思想家的影子? (The Thinker's Shadow?) (2012)
3) See pictures in "步道、涼亭、水池" (2022)