Today is Palm Sunday, also referred to as The Sunday of the Passion. We had a wonderful service this morning and it included, as usual, The Liturgy of the Palms (棕枝禮), The Liturgy of the Word (聖言禮), and The Holy Communion (聖餐禮).
Regarding the Passion Gospel (主耶穌受難福音), we kind of "role-play" Matthew 27:11-54, the shorter options of the two -- the longer passage is Matthew 26:14 - 27:66, according to the Lectionary Page.
Since this is Year A, which will be followed by Year B and Year C in the next two years, we read the Passion story from the Gospel of Matthew 馬太福音; otherwise, we read from Mark 馬可福音 (Year B) or Luke 路加福音 (Year C). -- If fact, the congregation don't have to know or remember these things in detail. I myself have been in charge of drafting the weekly bulletin for St. James' English Sunday service, so I noticed the difference mentioned above.
Thanks to the Lord! Under the leadership of our rector, Rev. Lily Chang, everything is going in a wonderful way here at St. James' Church. May all our fellow Christians have a truly meaningful Holy Week (聖週) starting today!
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關於「棕枝主日」說明:(節錄自 "中文維基百科")
棕枝主日 (英語: Palm Sunday),公教稱聖枝主日,亦稱棕樹主日或基督苦難主日(因主耶穌基督在本週被出賣、審判,最後被處十字架死刑),正教稱柳絨節,是主復活日前的主日,標誌著聖週的開始,為羅馬公教、正教會、聖公宗、信義宗等各派慶祝的節日。
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相關文章 (See also):
1) 棕枝主日 (Palm Sunday) (2022)
2) Palm Sunday, 2021 (2021)
3) Palm Sunday (棕枝主日) (2019)
4) FEAST (吉田敦 ● 宋周妍 雙個展) (2018)