2023年11月6日 星期一



Farm Dream Estates (墾夢莊園) is located at No. 20, Yongfu Street, Fenglin Town, Hualien County (地址:花蓮縣鳳林鎮永福街 20 號).

Mookoo's Notes:

In this vast and beautiful park, my main attractions, aside from the charming "Fish Dragon Lake" (魚龍湖), include the imposing "Foolish Old Man Statue" (愚公像) that stands proudly in the spacious courtyard in front of the "Valley Museum" (縱谷兆豐故事館).

Since childhood, I've never considered myself a naturally gifted individual. Whether it's academics or tasks at hand, I've always had to put in extra effort to achieve success. During my school days, while others effortlessly memorized passages, I found myself repeating and silently going over them multiple times to ensure precise memorization of the assigned texts.

The same held true for learning foreign languages and mathematical subjects; my comprehension, memory, and ability to synthesize information were all limited. Thus, I relied on perseverance and unwavering determination, continuously striving for the belief that "diligence can compensate for lack of talent." Looking at it this way, I am undeniably a true "Foolish Old Man"! 😷😓😂😎😅

~~~ 學生時代,別人輕輕鬆鬆就能背誦一篇課文,我總要一遍又一遍反覆朗誦、默念,才得以將老師指定的文章記誦無誤。學習外語和數理科目也一樣,感覺理解、記憶、和綜合應用的能力都很有限,只好憑藉毅力、恆心,持續不斷地努力以求 "勤可補拙" 也。如此看來,我也是道道地地的 "愚公" 啊!

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  布洛灣 (Buluowan)     (2023)
2)  雲山水 (photos, part one)     (2022)
