2014年2月3日 星期一

又見波斯花田:年初四的照片 -- The "Spring Field"



These photos are taken in our "Springfield" (春耕前,農田灑滿了綠肥的種子,例如波斯菊,此花田堪稱為「春田」也) on February 3, 2014 -- the fourth day of the first month by the Chinese lunar calendar! It's during the Chinese New Year, so we smile (or laugh) most of the time, hoping to get a more successful and prosperous year!

Yes, may the Lord bless you all! May all of you have a very happy and successful year (in this Year of the Horse, 馬年)!



三嘛 . . . 我要祝福(或期許)自己:「馬不停蹄,繼續努力!」必要時,卻能夠「馬馬虎虎,不計較!
