2014年2月13日 星期四

A Design of the Stage Background (舞台背景草圖)


Yesterday afternoon Jean and I (as well as Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Chen) went to the Diocese Office in Taipei to attend a "preparatory meeting" to discuss how to celebrate the 60th anniversary of our church, Taiwan Episcopal Church. The meeting was chaired by Bishop David Lai, who had asked about 20 persons (including clergy and lay persons) to come to it. As I had been appointed to be one of the three persons responsible for the performance program on the afternoon of Saturday, April 26, I made a brief report on how to decorate the stage, how to prepare and present different types of performances, and so on. Well, look! The following picture is a first design of the stage background in my imagination. What would you say about it?

昨日下午北上,到教區辦公室參加「台灣聖公會 60 周年慶祝大會」(預定 4 月 26 日於台中市忠信國小大禮堂舉行)的第一次籌備會議----由賴主教親自主持,籌備委員含聖品人及平信徒約有 20 人出席。我們台中聖雅各堂的林立峯牧師是籌備「總幹事」、幼珠與智謀分別跟著北部的魏斐然牧師和陳德沛牧師負責「餐飲、接待」及「公關」、而我則奉派為「節目組」三名組員之一(另外二位是:許百惠女士、李素滋師母)。剛接到任務,誠惶誠恐,求主特別幫助,好讓各項準備工作都能如期展開、順利進行。對了!下圖為靈機一動,以 Word 繪製而成的一幅最簡單的草圖,若將其中的文字納入舞台布景設計,或許有助於彰顯我們教會「60 周年慶」的主題意義!您說是嗎?
