In the previous vestry meeting, it was discussed and "suggested" that an "English" group be set up by some people from the English-speaking congregation. There had been several cell-groups here at St. James', such as 飛揚小組 (The Soaring Group), 二四八小組 (The Two-Four-Eight Group), 活水小組 (The Living-Water Group), 以斯帖小組 (Esther's Group), etc., but all of them were "Chinese-speaking" groups, whose members are mostly from the Chinese congregation. So, the members of the vestry thought it good to organize a new cell-group or two that have something to do with English.
Now the first "English Group" (英文小組) has been formed at St. James'. Yesterday evening we had our first meeting, starting at 7:30 p.m. We met, and will continue to meet, on Friday evening in the room/space where we usually have our Coffee Hour right after the English service on Sunday. -- Well, those who would like to practice English in (or by) Bible Studies, please don't hesitate to contact me, Jerry Liang, either by email or by phone! [Cell-phone: 0933-503537; email address:] Praise the Lord!