一、前言 -- Introduction
二、棄絕什麼? -- What have we agreed to renounce?
(1) 邪靈的力量(會使人背叛上帝)
-- The spiritual forces of wickedness (that will rebel against God)
(2) 屬世的惡勢力(會敗壞受造物)
-- The evil powers of this world (which will corrupt the creatures of God)
(3) 邪情私欲(會使人離開上帝)
-- All sinful desires (that will draw us from the love of God)
三、承諾什麼? -- What have we promised?
(1) 歸向基督(救主)
-- Turn to Jesus Christ (He is the Savior)
(2) 信賴上帝(有恩典、有慈愛)
-- Put your whole trust in God (He is the grace and love)
(3) 跟隨服從(我的主)
-- Follow and obey (He is my Lord)
四、結語 -- Conclusion
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照片轉載自 Facebook 由賴冠宏弟兄拍攝及上傳分享。
The following photos were taken on April 4, 2015
and shared immediately by Guan-Hong Lai,
who is working at St. James' Church.