2015年5月7日 星期四

An Exciting Visit to My Former "Leader"


2004 年所拍攝的

This morning my former colleague Yongcong Lin and I went to Fengyuan to visit Principal Lee (Mr. Shulin Li), who moved away from National Nantou Commercial School (NNCS) in the same year when Yongcong and I retired from jobs at that vocational high school.

After leaving from NNCS, Principal Lee continued to work at National Fengyuan Commercial School (NFYCS) as school-principal. He's been working very hard, as all of us can see. -- Well, I myself used to be Dean of Students led by him for years, so I was quite "familiar" with the way he would work. This is my impression: He seemed to be very "serious" about education. He was an active, responsible principal, always working hard to do something for the benefits of students. And the point is: Once he set up a new goal, he would try his best to accomplish it. . . .

Oh, time flies! It has been almost eight years since Principal Lee left NNCS. Both Yongcong and I were so excited to see him again this morning. We had a wonderful time chatting and chatting and chatting in his office, then we continued our chatting at a near-by Japanese restaurant -- He treated us with a NICE meal for lunch! (Thanks a lot!)

以下為 2004 年 12 月 24 日
