(A Railway Roundhouse)
My grandson James is very interested in trains. He has learned quite a lot about the different types of trains used in Taiwan, including some very old types that are no more used at present.
So, as he requested, we took him to Miaoli Railway Museum (苗栗鐵道文物展示館) this morning and to Changhua Railway Roundhouse this afternoon. Yes, we found something "old and interesting" there in the Railway Museum; and then in this Roundhouse, we saw an old-style Fan-Shaped Garage Building which half surrounds the Railway Turntable (調車轉盤/轉車台) right at the center. It seems that James has liked this Roundhouse much more than that Museum!
= = =
相關文章 (See also): 走!看火車去 (part one)
(歡迎點閱 / Click and watch below)