2020年4月28日 星期二

藤山步道 -- Lucky-7 Hiking on the Trail


We call ourselves "Lucky-7" hoping that the seven of us will always be lucky and richly blessed as a team -- yes, we've been very much blessed since we met each other and became such intimate good friends! ...

一小群堪稱「密友、摯友、知己、知交、知心、知音、老友、石友、相知」的朋友,七個人,所以叫做 Lucky-7 (幸福七人組)。

每年五月 (今年提早到 4/28) 慶祝母親節,男人出資;每年八月,慶祝爸爸節,女士出錢 ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 約好一同出遊,然後小吃一頓。

"The Tengshan Trail runs along the western flank of the Bagua Mountain Range, and riding it on a bicycle you can connect with Highway 139 and the Evergreen Bikeway. The trail is lined by trees on both sides, providing a rich ecology for insects and birds; climb to its heights and you can watch crested serpent eagles up close, soaring between your position and the opposite mountain. Explanatory signs along the trail use Taiwanese sayings to promote the native culture and language." (藤山步道簡介: Quoted from an Introduction sign on the roadside)

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  Lucky-7 歡樂的一天     (2019)
2)  A Celebration: 又一次溫馨的相聚     (2018)
3)  聚餐 (A Kind of Celebration)     (2015)
4)  The 7-P Group: 「七人組」在「膳馨」     (2015)

