2022年8月18日 星期四



今天 "遠雄海洋公園" (Farglory Ocean Park) 遊客多到不行(人山人海)、停車位顯然一格難求,我們乃當機立斷,轉往 "鯉魚潭" (Liyu Lake) 乘船、騎腳踏車......

In Taiwan there are quite a few lakes called "Lǐyú Tán", so you might be wondering which Liyu Lake we went to today. Well, this is our second visit to the Liyu Lake in Shoufeng Township, Hualien County.

Take a look at the pictures below and you can imagine what a delightful lake it is. -- Are you going to visit (or revisit) it in the near future?

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
2)  祖孫乘船     (2019)
3)  花蓮行:Day Three     (2019)
