2022年12月15日 星期四

Great Bougainvillea (九重葛 / 葉子花 / 三角花 / 千日紅)


Jean and I visited her mom (my mother-in-law) today. When I pulled over to the side of the road, I was so impressed with the blooming bougainvillea that I took photos of it.

As far as I know, bougainvillea spectabilis, also known as great bougainvillea, is a species of flowering plant that is native to Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina's Chubut Province. But it has been introduced in many other areas. And, after variety improvement, bougainvillea can produce flowers of many different colors such as purple, red, pink, yellow, white, etc.

Have you seen bougainvillea with green or blue flowers? I have now created some new varieties, as you can see above and below, by changing the purple flowers into green blooms and blue blooms. 

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
2)  一首山歌:《就這樣》     (2021)
