2022年12月14日 星期三

《影子》專輯:Me, Mookoo!


(A voice speaks and another voice responds.)
  • It's me, Mookoo.
  • No, it's just a shadow -- Your shadow!
  • Yes, it's me; my shadow stands for me, doesn't it?
  • But a shadow is a shadow. Who can be his or her shadow? You have a life, but the shadow of you doesn't.
  • . . . .
(Then the conversation goes on, softly and indistinctly.)

以下照片,前三張為今日之作,其餘(第四~第八)拍攝於不同時間,經剪接轉貼,乃成《我的影子》專輯。對了,影子代表某個 人、事、物,但它並不是那 人、事、物 本身,這點值得注意。不是嗎?

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
2)  What Does Mookoo Mean?     (2012)
