2024年4月1日 星期一

將軍府 (The General's Residence)


關於將軍府 ~ The General's Residence

Situated along the banks of the Meilun River in Hualien (花蓮 "美崙溪" 畔), the General's Residence was established in 1936 during the Japanese colonial era. Crafted from hinoki wood (檜木), it boasts a walled compound and an independent garden, serving as the dwelling of Colonel Nakamura (中村三雄大佐), a military commander in the Hualien region. Surrounding it are Japanese-style residences, home to officers of various ranks, forming a neatly organized residential area. This historical site has stood for over 90 years. Legend has it that local residents, unaware of Colonel Nakamura's identity, simply referred to the place as the "General's Residence" due to its association with a high-ranking official (. . . 據說當時附近的居民並不知道中村三雄大佐的身分,只知道有位官階很高的大將軍住在此地,便將此處稱為 "將軍府").

將軍府 - 充滿日式風情的角落
A Corner Brimming with Japanese Charm

Following Taiwan's liberation, the General's Residence buildings were repurposed as housing for military dependents. In 2005, while many Japanese-style residences in Hualien City were being demolished, the General's Residence was spared, thanks to the proactive efforts of community residents and scholars who campaigned for its preservation. Recognized by the Central Monument Review Committee, it was designated as a county-level cultural monument and historical building (經中央古蹟審查委員通過,列入縣級古蹟及歷史建築). However, in 2008, Typhoon Jangmi damaged one of its buildings, causing precious cultural relics inside to be soaked. The Cultural Affairs Bureau promptly reported the incident and undertook repairs. By 2010, the General's Residence and Environmental Education Center were restored... (在2008年,薔蜜颱風掀開了其中一棟建築的屋頂,屋內的珍貴文物全都泡湯,文化局立即呈報並搶修,將軍府及環境教育中心已在2010年修繕完成 . . .) 

將軍府 - 體驗活動與周邊美景
Experience Activities and Nearby Attractions

The Meilun River connects several important cultural assets from Hualien's Japanese colonial period. Along its banks, one can find a cluster of Japanese-style residences, including the General's Residence, as well as the Song Yuan Villa, Jinghua Bridge, the former principal's residence of Hualien Girls' High School, and the site of the East Line Railway. These sites, coupled with the rich nearby cultural relics, offer a deeper understanding of Hualien's history. (美崙溪可說串連了花蓮市日治時期的重要文化資產,沿著溪流可看見包括將軍府為首的日式宿舍群、松園別館、菁華橋、花蓮女中舊校長宿舍、東線鐵道遺址,可結合附近豐富的古蹟,進而了解更多關於花蓮的歷史 . . .) 

將軍府 - 結合歷史與現代,創造嶄新風貌
Integrating History and Modernity, Creating a Brand New Look

The Hualien General's Residence received funding from the Ministry of Culture and the Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau. They allocated 250 million NT dollars for its restoration and reconstruction, confirming its importance as a cultural and historical landmark in Hualien. This restoration not only preserved the unique charm of its historic architecture but also added contemporary elements. Particularly noteworthy is the addition of open kitchens in some areas, providing a variety of dining options and enhancing Hualien's atmosphere. The grand opening of the entire area is scheduled for today, April 1st, 2024, welcoming visitors from across the country to experience a blend of history and modernity in Hualien. (整修後重新開幕:盛大的開幕式定於今天2024年4月1日下午舉行,歡迎來自全國各地的遊客,到此一遊,體驗花蓮融合歷史與現代的魅力!)

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相關文章 (See also):
1)  美崙溪:燈關倒影     (2023)
