Shènglíng Jiànglín Hòu Dì 18 Zhŭrì
(The 18th Sunday after Pentecost)
Shíjiān: Zhŭ hòu 2023 nián 10 yuè 1 rì
Dìdiǎn: 聖公會聖路加堂 (St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Taiwan)
Zhŭlĭ jí Jiăngdào: 鄭慶三牧師 (Rev. Sam Cheng)
Sīdǎo: 陳宏穎弟兄
Sīqín: 蔣翠玲老師
[Qítāde "chóngbài fushi rényuán" bāokuò Shìcóng, Dújīng rényuán děng, luè ér bù jì.]
A Note: Rev. Sam Cheng was invited to celebrate Holy Eucharist and preach at St. Luke's Church in Hualien this Sunday because the vicar of this church is currently on a journey to India, attending the CCA 15th General Assembly along with representatives from other denominations in Taiwan.
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相關文章 (See also):
1) 同登阿罩霧山 (2022)
3) 聖路加堂 聖誕音樂會 (2022)