2024年5月9日 星期四

買了中提琴 -- I Got My First Viola


With the help of my violin teacher, Mr. B. L. Wang, I bought my first viola this morning at Zhang Shiwei Violin Art Workshop (張世偉提琴藝術工作坊) in Fengyuan District, Taichung.

Before Mr. Wang and his wife arrived from downtown Taichung, my wife and I had already made our way to the workshop from our home in Wufeng. This gave me some extra time to talk with the owner of the workshop, Mr. Zhang, about various topics related to string instruments.

Our discussion covered several subjects I was curious about, such as the key differences between violins and violas, the typical process and core skills involved in making a stringed instrument, and even more personal topics like why I wanted to own a viola and why he was learning to play the erhu (二胡), another type of stringed instrument popular in Eastern countries.

I am grateful to our violin teacher, Mr. Wang, who has been teaching us and several others regularly for years, free of charge! I also want to extend my thanks to Mr. Zhang, from whom I learned a lot this morning about this fascinating instrument.

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  "Long, Long Ago"     (2023)
2)  《外行聆賞經驗》     (2023)
3)  《學琴首日》     (2018)
