2012年4月23日 星期一

台灣蘭花大展 (Taiwan International Orchid Show)


名稱 / Name:2012 台灣蘭花大展 (Taiwan International Orchid Show)

時間 / Time:4 月 21- 29 日 (每日 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.)

地點 / Place:台中市政府陽明聯合服務中心 (Yangming Joint Service Center, Taichung City Government, which is located at 36, Yangming Street, Fengyuan District, Taichung City.)

附註 (A personal note): 感謝柯詔盛牧師提供我這次蘭花大展的資訊。柯牧師、我、和月琴三人同車前往觀賞,透過途中交談以及花展現場的實物說明,讓我這蘭科植物 (orchid family) 的「門外漢」對於蘭花的品種、培植過程等等,總算有了初步的認識。我原先只聽人說:「在中國文化中,蘭與梅、竹、菊,合稱為四君子;對於文人雅士而言,蘭是一種具有象徵意義的重要花卉。」其餘的,我便一問三不知了。因此,我感謝柯牧師是應當的!

Orchids have many associations with symbolic values. For example, in Chinese culture, the bamboo, plum blossom, orchid, and chrysanthemum (often known as mei lan zhu ju 梅蘭竹菊) are collectively referred to as the Four Gentlemen. These four plants also represent the four seasons and, in Confucian ideology, four aspects of the junzi ("prince" or "noble one").
