2013年3月12日 星期二

Our Trip to Alishan (阿里山), photos 37-73


For photos 1 - 36, please click: #2013-0311.
For photos 74 - 106, please click: #2013-0313.

After my first visit to Alishan about 20 years ago, I hadn't visited it again until yesterday. It was just a pity that four years ago (in 2009) when Jean and our friends came to this mountain for its cherry blossom, I was unable to join them because of my "busy work." But now things have been better arranged: I am really pleased that Jean and I have come here together, with our best friends, to enjoy all wonderful and beautiful things in this national scenic area.


1. This year the Alishan Cherry Blossom Season (阿里山櫻花季) will officially start on March 15. But we can see lots and lots of blossoms here at present. People say that most cherry trees in this area have fully bloomed earlier than normal, due to the changing climate/weather.

2. The photos below, just like others on the pages #2013-0311 and #2013-0313, were partly taken by Peter Chan and partly by me. We would like to share them with you, the readers.


步行 回「阿里山車站」附近的停車場

第二日 (3/12) 清晨


攝於 阿里山派出所 附近

姊妹潭 一景



巨木群 步道


