2013年3月6日 星期三

Our Visitors from Hawaii (Part A)


Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick and his wife Ms. Beatrice, as well as Rev. Peter Wu and his wife Ms. Mimi -- all our visitors are from Hawaii.

During their stay at St. James' (in Taichung City), they joined us in several important activities, including an English-and-Chinese combined service on Sunday. [At the service Bishop Fitzpatrick preached in English and I tried my best to interpret in Chinese!] On Monday and Tuesday, the last two days of their stay with us, they were invited to visit the most well-known scenic spots in the central part of Taiwan: Sun Moon Lake and The Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village. They were accompanied all the way there and back by four of us -- Mr. Robert Chiu, Ms. Jenny Chang, Jean (my wife) and me.

We were really pleased to visit The Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village [see photos below] and Sun Moon Lake [see photos on the page #2013-0306B] together with our special guests from Hawaii. Most important of all, they looked very happy about this two-day trip as well.

攝於 台中聖雅各幼稚園

夏威夷主教 Bishop Fitzpatrick 與
日月潭青年活動中心總幹事 卓進權 先生

以下照片拍攝於 九族文化村
