看見陽光看見愛:A Charity Bazaar Held at St. James' Church, Taichung City
聖雅各「看見陽光看見愛」愛心園遊會:A Charity Bazaar Held by St. James' Church, Taichung City, Taiwan
主題:看見陽光看見愛 時間:2013 年 5 月 4 日星期六上午 (義賣活動至中午截止) 地點:台中市西區五權西路一段 23 號 (聖雅各幼兒園) 預定捐助對象:(已另行公布) 照片記錄及分享:I, Mookoo Liang, took and would like to share the following pictures with you, my dear readers. You'll like some of them, won't you?