A couple of weeks ago, when it was my turn to lead the Cell-Group meeting at St. James' on Wednesday evening, I didn't prepare anything about my Christian faith to share. Instead, I encouraged everybody in the group to raise one or two questions about Christianity, whether those questions or problems had been "sensibly" answered or solved. As most of the group members were Christians, I believed that their questions as well as mine could be suitable for the whole group to discuss. At least, the questions asked by one member could be interesting to other members so they would like to say something about them.
Well, the questions asked on that evening were in Chinese, as follows:
1. 基督徒為什麼還會違反聖經的教導?
2. 如何讓每位基督徒把教會當自己的家一樣?
3. 外邦人及那些「墮落的民族」也都是上帝所造的[亞當的後代],為什麼他們較不受祝福?
4. 為什麼舊約時代「三妻四妾」被視為正常?上帝造人不是只取亞當的一根肋骨造夏娃一人而已嗎?
5. 在熱鬧的市區「停車格」常常是一格難求!曾私底下祈求上帝賜給我停車位,這樣的祈禱會太自私嗎?
6. 在別人面前不太敢承認自己是基督徒,因為怕自己做得不夠好(不是很棒的基督徒),又怕別人給自己「貼標籤」(因而對我有太高的期待)。要如何改進,使自己勇於承認是基督徒?
7. 為什麼《創世紀》中記載有人以「亂倫」的方式傳(繁衍)後代?
8. 有人可以在夢中與上帝同行,有人可以「親眼看見」耶穌。若小朋友問道:「為何麼我看不見耶穌?」我們該如何回應?
9. 上帝(耶穌)是外國的神?我們為什麼要敬拜祂?祂為何只揀選以色列民族?
10. 美國以基督教立國,為什麼所作所為常常不符合上帝的旨意?
11. 聖經中有不少「醫治」的神蹟,時至今日,那「醫治的大能」是否還存在?
12. 關於「死後升天」究竟怎麼回事?是真或假?
13. 信主的人,祂才拯救嗎?不信或未信主的人,祂就不救了嗎?
14. 「創造論」與「進化論」孰真孰假?
15. 「童貞女生子」可能嗎?
16. 「復活」與「永生」的意義為何?
17. 死刑犯行刑之前才受洗歸入基督,他(她)真的能進入天堂?
18. 大兒子努力了一輩子,從未得到犒賞;小兒子敗光家產,浪子回頭。哪一個較為可貴?
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