2013年5月25日 星期六

參加「三姊 咱的愛」音樂會 (An Unforgettable Concert)


首先,要大大地恭賀「三姊 咱的愛」師生音樂會,順利成功,獲得滿堂彩!(可見「三姊」是一位良師益友,大家都愛她。)

其次,要特別感謝「三姊」的學生 Jiaqi (音譯)[或作 Chia Chi,我真的很遜,還不清楚是哪兩個中文字!]感謝這位「名師所出之高徒」主辦這場音樂會 --- 今晚,由 Jiaqi 和「三姊」交替主持,節目的進行順暢、自然,始終洋溢著無比溫馨的氣氛!

最後,我 (Jerry) 要坦誠告白,自己忝為「三姊」的學生之一,莫非先天條件有限,加上後天努力不足,上台唱一首自以為已經會唱的 A Man Without Love,居然----果然,中途「出槌」了兩三次。啊!這真真實實驗證了一句話:「台上三分鐘,台下十年功。」不過,這是我一生當中「第一次」上台演唱英文歌曲,真的是 for the first time 呢!你說,我的感動 . . . 是多麼大、多麼深啊!

Before the concert starts, Jean wants me to stand 
on the stage so she can take a picture. 
(Look! Am I ready to sing now?)

 (above) Jean and me in front of the stage;
(below) our friends, key members of "4 Degrees C".

The concert "Our Love, Sister #3" is going to start 
at Evergreen Laurel Hotel Taichung!

(above and below) This is "San Jie" (Sister #3
-- our good teacher and good friend!

(above) Melody is a special guest who sings so very well!

Singing and Dancing -- the first item 
presented by San Jie's students!

Singing "A Man without Love" tonight, 
I am, in fact, a man with love. (Ha ha ha!)

Yuyuan, one of San Jie's students, is dancing gracefully. 

(above and below.) Jiaqi (or spelled Chia Chi), also one of 
San Jie's students, hosts this evening's concert. 
She sings very well too.

Mr. Yumin Lin, a special guest, is playing the guitar and 
singing the new song that he's just composed.

At the end of the program, San Jie is given flowers 
by her son and her daughter and . . . .

All the performers this evening are photoed together with San Jie.

(from left to right) A photo of Sisters #3, #6, #1, and #4.

A beautiful photo entitled "The Happy Ending"!
