My grandson loves to play with his grandma. He was especially "naughty" today. He "attacked" his grandma by moving his body violently (or nimbly) like a snake on her body while she was lying on a long seat for a rest. [See photos 1 and 2 below.]
Ta nong de nainai yang de budeliao. Nainai yao ta ting xialai, ta pian bu ting. Yushi, nainai jueding lai ge da fangong -- Zhe hui lundao xiao sunzi pinpin qiurao la.
Due to the boy's "harassment" the grandma got a terrible itch. Such an uncomfortable itch that she could no longer put up with! She then called out, "Stop! Stop!" but he would not listen. So the grandma managed to make a "counterattack" and, as you can imagine, it was now that the little boy my grandson had to "beg for mercy" -- "Oh, no," his body language was clearly saying, "no more playing, Grandma; let's call a truce!" [See photos 4, 5, and 6.]
Houlai, xiao sunzi haoxiang wan lei le, yaoqiu nainai bei ta. Nainai jiang ta bei qilai. Turan zhijian, xiao sunzi xingzhi you lai le. Ta shichu yizhao "juehuo", yong zuiba yao nainai, shi nainai you tong you yang. Nainai ganjin dajiao: "Hei! Ni bu keyi yao nainai ya!"
Finally, my grandson seemed to be tired. He asked his grandma to carry him on her back, and so my wife did. [See photo 7.] -- My dear readers! Do you know what actually happened after that? It was something far exceeding our expectations. Please see the last photo for more information. [See photo 8 far below.]
Photo #1 .
Photo #2 .
Photo #3 .
Photo #4 .
Photo #5 .
Photo #6 .
Photo #7 .
Photo #8 .