Priest/Leader: Lord, you have called Lauren MacLean to another place, another task.
People: We are sad to see her go, but we recognize that just as she has been your gift to us, so now she goes as a gife to another group of your people.
Priest/Leader: We pray for each other now, as our once parallel roads of pilgrimage diverge.
People: Thank you for all we have done together, learned together and shared together.
Priest/Leader: We pray for Lauren as she explores, and clarifies, and puts into action the call that takes her onward from here.
People: May she continue to grow in your grace and in the knowledge of your love, so that she may be a blessing to many.
Priest/Leader: We pray for the communities to which Lauren goes, that they may value her, support her, learn from her, and encourage her.
People: We pray for ourselves as we stay, that you will keep us faithful to the vision we have shared, and that you will continue to show us what we should do, and how we should be.
Priest/Leader: As we part, we affirm that it has been your Spirit who has brought us together in the first place, your Spirit who has enlivened our fellowship.
People: Your Spirit goes with her, and your Spirit stays with us; Your Spirit who keeps us all together in the world-wide family of your Church. AMEN.