2017年1月24日 星期二

駱駝同學會:The Camel Class Reunion, 2017


Four years ago the Camel Class Reunion was hosted by us, the "Camel Brothers" living in Central Taiwan. (See: 2013 Luotuo Tongxuehui, Part I and Part II.)

Then, three years ago, another Reunion was hosted by those Camel Brothers who lived in the northern Taiwan. (See: 2014 Luotuo Tongxuehui.)

And then, due to private issues, I failed to attend such annual Camel Reunions in 2015 and 2016, which were hosted by those who lived in the southern parts of Taiwan. But this year (2017), as one of the Camel Brothers who live in the central Taiwan, I not only attended the Reunion on January 22 and 23, but had also cooperated with my "close Brothers of Taichung" to complete all the preparatory work (for example, see #2016-1107) before we played host to this important event. (See photos below.)

=  =  =  Day One  =  =  =

元月 22 日星期日
10:00 – 10:30 a.m. 報到
(石岡水壩 地址:台中市石岡區豐勢路1238號。
à 報到時,領取手冊、繳交費用、登記晚餐菜色…….
10:30 – 11:40 a.m. 參觀石岡壩
11:40—12:00 a.m. 車隊前往東勢「阿木大眾餐館」
12:00 – 14:10 午餐 在東勢「阿木大眾餐館」
à 午餐時有抽獎活動喔!
14:10 – 14:40 車隊前往「東勢林場」賓館
14:40 – 16:00 進住賓館(分配住宿、休息、自由活動)
16:00 – 17:30 林場生態導覽(一)
à 傍晚時分,在林場志工的導引下,輕鬆散步,欣賞大自然之美!
17:30 – 19:00 晚餐(及自由活動)
19:00 – 20:00林場生態導覽(二)
à 此為東勢林場特有的「夜間生態」導覽,隨身攜帶手電筒喔!
20:0 – 22:00 駱駝晚會
à 特別歡迎彼此分享:生活中有趣的、特別的……點點滴滴!

=  =  =  Day Two  =  =  =

元月 23 日星期一
6:00 a.m. 早起的「人」兒,參加「看日出」活動
7:00 – 7:30 a.m. 早餐
8:30 a.m. 集合出發(約30分鐘可抵達后里馬場)
9:00 – 11:30 a.m. 后里腳踏車兜風
(后里馬場 集合地點「小馬哥」地址:台中市后里區寺山路89
12:00 –   中餐 於后里「禧宴樓」

(The two photos below are by Mr. Chunsong Du)

(The last two photos above are shared by Mr. Chunsong Du)
