2017年2月2日 星期四

Making a Tour Bus Lantern


Before we had supper James (whose nickname is Little Bee) asked me if I could help him when he did his homework this evening. I was curious about what he was going to do, because he had rarely asked me for help with homework. Usually, he asked his mom or his grandma for help!

"Teacher says everybody is to make a lantern," said my grandson James.

"What kind of lantern to make?" I asked.

"Any kind of it would be okay, but making a lantern is difficult, isn't it?"

"Well, you've now asked the right person -- I'll think about it and ... anyway, I'll give you a big helping hand!"

And we started to enjoy our dinner. After dinner we went to a nearby stationery-and-toy store together (to get a short hand-held plastic stick with two small batteries inside and with a tiny bulb hanging at one end of the stick) and we returned home (with that special stick) and started working together to make a lantern. Look! Our product turned out to be a Tour Bus lantern (See photos). The main structure of the Tour Bus was simply a paper box that had originally been used for nougat (See the notes far below, which are quoted from: http://blogs.teachersammy.com/Blogs/entry/describing-nougats-in-English#.WJP_q0a7rIU).

以下中文註釋取自(感謝 Sammy 老師):

「牛軋糖」的英文講法是 nougat [ˋnugɑ] (原始法文唸法) / [ˋnugət] (一般美式唸法)。它因為是糖果,而且像麵包、蛋糕一樣,原始的狀態是一大塊沒有形狀的,所以也像 candy, bread, cake 一樣,在指這種食物是是不可數名詞。假如要說自己很喜歡牛軋糖,只能說 I love nougat. 而不能用複數 I love nougats. 問人家想不想來塊牛軋糖時,則是說 Would you like some nougat? 或是 Would you like a piece of nougat?

要注意的是,不要把這個字和指「雞塊」或塊狀物的 nugget 搞混了。它們拚法很像但畢竟不同,發音也不一樣。nugget 是唸 [ˋnʌgɪt],而且是可數名詞。速食店賣的雞塊叫 chicken nugget(s);黃金的金條也是用這個字,叫 gold nugget(s)。因為它是可數名詞,所以在講自己喜歡這種食物時就要用複數:I love chicken nuggets. 而在問別人要不要時也一樣,是說 Would you like some chicken nuggets? / Would you like a chicken nugget? 

以上中文註釋取自(感謝 Sammy 老師):

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