2017年12月9日 星期六

St. James' Preschool Christmas Party, 2017


I was very happy to be invited to the Christmas Party held (at Feng-Le Park, Taichung) by St. James' Preschool this evening. Jean, who was also invited, went together with me. We enjoyed the wonderful performances presented by the preschool kids and their teachers. We really had a good time tonight. Thanks and praises to the Lord!

Following is the Gospel story (from Luke 2:8-14) that I read on the stage, just before Rev. Lily Chang told the Good News about Christmas (and Christ!) to all the people who participated in this important annual event:

天使報喜信給牧羊的人 -- 載在《路加福音》二章 8-14 節


Again, thanks be to God! -- And I must also say Thank You to Mr. Guanhong Lai (賴冠宏弟兄), who shared (on Facebook) the photos below:
