2020年7月2日 星期四

We Are at Guoxing Yizhan


"Enjoy coffee. Enjoy your relaxing time."
---- Impressive words seen on the wall

Every time I passed by the coffeehouse Guoxing Yizhan (國姓驛站) while driving back to my hometown, I thought to myself, "It must be a nice place to visit. I'll get into it someday!" But I didn't stop to pay a visit there until this afternoon.

My sisters and our mother, who had been there several times, suggested that we have lunch together there today -- right after we went to Guoxing Post Office for something really special: The 87-year-old mom had wanted to give each of her children an amount of money. She decided to do so because she thought she was very old ... and weak now! (Oh, dear Lord, bless her with good health and always keep her in safety and happiness!)
