2020年12月16日 星期三



My dear Mama passed away early this morning (Dec. 16, 2020). Praise the Lord! She was baptized last month. As her children and so on, we'll miss her very much from now on. -- And here and now we'd want to thank you, dear friends, for your prayer and comfort and encouragement. May God bless you all, always!

母親於今天 (12/16) 清晨 2:59 a.m. 安詳離世,她於上個月 9 日受洗為基督徒,感謝主!身為子女的我們雖然十分不捨,卻有來自上主的恩典滿滿,以及好友們的代禱和安慰,我們內心充滿了平安 ...... 在此感謝各位,並祝福大家,日夜都平安,天天有喜樂!

= = =
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