2020年12月30日 星期三



We, children and grandchildren of Ms. Liang-Jiang Miaoxiang, have missed our mother or grandmother (or even Great Grandma) so much that we've made such a special film (with over 100 pictures included in it) in remembrance of her. Now we're planning to play this short film in the funeral service next Wednesday, on January 6 -- which happens to be the Feast of Epiphany. ... May the Lord bless her, and you, and us!

《妙香園的回憶》是子女們(及孫子女.....)對於母親(或阿嬤 / 阿祖)滿心懷念,因而特別製作的短片,長度是 10 分鐘又 10 秒,以收集到的 100 餘張照片組合而成;預定於 2021 年元月 6 日在安息告別禮拜中播放。

短片製作:Mookoo Liang。
配樂:四度C樂團演奏、Jean Huang 獻唱 
