2023年8月7日 星期一

Summer Time at Wufeng


I just wanted to take a few pictures to "record" what my two grandchildren were doing. -- Well, they'll be with us at Wufeng for a week. This had been their most important "expectation" for months, and when they returned from Hualien last night, their dream was about to come true.

如圖所示,暑假返鄉 "樂",兄弟 "玩" 籃球!

當然,不只是騎 U-Bike、玩籃球這樣的運動;出門前,他們已玩了好久的桌遊(大字版的拉密 Rummikub!)並且也[隨意/很即興地]彈了好一會兒鋼琴,算是先在家裡 "遊戲" 一番,才出來 "運動" 的。

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
2)  A Five-Day Summer Vacation!     (2022)
