2024年6月23日 星期日

A Family Serving Together!


It's the 5th Sunday after Pentecost, and I was very excited to see Rev. Charles Chen and the Wang family when joining the English service this morning.

Our rector, Rev. Lily Chang, invited Rev. Charles Chen, our "rector emeritus," to celebrate Holy Eucharist at the English service today. She hopes he'll continue to come as celebrant on the Sundays when she is out of town, celebrating at a new mission church in Hsinchu (Xinzhu).

If you look at the photo above right, you'll see some of the ministers in today's service: In addition to Rev. Charles (standing in the center), there are Mr. D. J. Wang (LEM), his wife Daphne Hung (usually serving as a greeter), and their two daughters Claire Wang (preacher for today) and Sandy Wang (today's 1st reader). It's indeed a beautiful picture of the whole Wang family showing up at the Sunday service together!

In fact, all the people who come to the service are just like a big, sweet family that glorify our Lord. As Jesus taught, all of us are one, connecting to each other while remaining in the Lord God.

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
2)  We Are Ready for Christmas!     (2018)
