2024年6月1日 星期六

Fiction Freewriting #2305


{Fiction Freewriting #2305}

Title: Confrontation with Gray-Clad Guys

Summary: In the midst of an impending typhoon, Mega Pelico and his loyal helper V-Giant encounter a group of six strangers in gray uniforms. Tensions rise as the vice-captain demands V-Giant catch up with his master. Despite initial hostility, the captain engages in civil conversation, revealing their identity plates. V-Giant introduces himself and Mega Pelico, who has honored V-Giant by sharing part of his name. The vice-captain questions their legitimacy, but V-Giant stands firm. A strong gust of wind heightens the tension, signaling the approaching storm.

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The mysterious tension in the air almost made me forget about the impending typhoon.

Among the group of six strangers, the two at the front, much like the two at the back, wore identical deep gray uniforms. They seemed to be subordinates of the two in the middle, the higher-ranked "captain" and "vice-captain" they had to safeguard. The one resembling the vice-captain sported a uniform in a lighter shade of gray, while the captain-like figure wore an even lighter uniform, almost gray-white in hue.

Now, the vice-captain spoke up, addressing V-Giant seriously, "Handsome Guy, is the person with the walking stick your master? He's already crossed over to the paved road. You'd better catch up with him instead of lingering here and blocking our way, okay?"

"I'm not trying to block your path," V-Giant retorted. "Let's converse civilly. No need for hostility, alright?"

"But why are you still standing here? Your master has already dashed off to that road!" The vice-captain spoke to V-Giant with the manner of a superior addressing a subordinate, his expression somewhat impolite.

On the contrary, the one clad in the lightest gray attire exuded more of a "captain" aura. With a slight smile, he glanced in my direction and then addressed V-Giant in a gentle tone, "Where are you both from? How about we become acquainted?"

"Sure, we're from the V-Zone of Humanimal Village," V-Giant responded confidently. "And what about yourselves? Could you briefly introduce yourselves—your names, titles, and backgrounds?"

"We don't have personal names, nor do we carry fixed titles like in most societies," the captain-like figure exclaimed. "If you like, you may just take a look at our identity plates."

Moving one or two steps forward, V-Giant, with his sharp eyesight, caught what was printed on their identity plates. The captain wore a nameplate just above his left pocket reading "EV008"; the vice-captain, "EV009"; and the two subordinate members in the front were "EV012" and "EV013," respectively.

"I guess," V-Giant said, "the two behind you are EV010 and EV011, am I right?"

"You're smart," said EV009, the vice-captain. "But what about you and your master? Won't you say a little more about your background?"

V-Giant introduced himself and me briefly, saying that my name was Mega Pelico but for some reason, I had granted him the first part of my name. It was true. I did name V-Giant "Mega" as a prize of honor, for he was actually bigger and stronger than I. Since I started to call him "Mega," I had usually referred to myself as "Pelico." I liked him to share the name "Mega Pelico" with me: He was Mega while I was Pelico.

"Interesting, indeed," said the captain EV008. "Your name has something to do with the police, doesn't it?"

I was surprised at EV008's smart conjecture. He was right to guess that I had wished to be a good police officer. However, just because of my physical or mental conditions, my dreams of becoming a real soldier or policeman had not come true so far. And at this rather critical moment, the vice-captain EV009, whom I didn't like at all, was so rude to point out my weakness.

EV009 said to V-Giant, "Hey, Mega, did your master give you a playful fake name? I speculate the name Mega is made up of the same letters as the word Game. Many people regard life as a game: you win some, you lose some. Don't you think so?"

"So what!" replied V-Giant. "I don't care about winning or losing, but I always feel honored if my master needs me to show up."

"What if you are just a wild animal hunted for fun or for food?" EV009 tried to provoke.

"No problem," V-Giant stared back at the speaker with alert eyes, and said, "let's see who the game will be."

Just then, a strong gust of wind rustled the trees around us, reminding everyone of the impending typhoon. The darkening sky seemed to echo the tension between us, making the situation feel even more precarious.

(To be continued.)

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相關文章 (See also):
3)  下一頁 (The Next Page): Fiction Freewriting #2306
