2024年10月6日 星期日

祝賀陳牧師和師母 90 歲生日快樂


Happy birthday to you, Dear Rev. Charles Chen & Mary Jo:


-- Written by Mookoo Liang in October 2024

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This morning, during the Chinese service at 10:45 a.m., St. James' Church held a special celebration for the 90th birthdays of our Rector Emeritus and his wife. The event was integrated into the service, and many people attended the celebration to show their love and respect.

After attending the English service, Jean and I also joined the celebration. To express our birthday wishes, I wrote a traditional four-line poem (see above), with each line containing seven characters. I used Rev. Charles' and his wife's Chinese names, 金地 and 美鏡, to start each line. I also created a PowerPoint presentation (see below) that featured the poem along with several photos highlighting the close bond between both couples. The presentation was accompanied by Jean's rendition of "耶和華祝福滿滿" (Jehovah's Blessings Abound) as the background music.

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相關文章 (See also):
1)  Thanks for Such a Special Day!     (2010)
